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TERBITAN: TARBIAH SENTAP PENULIS: QAMARUL NAZRIN Ramai yang dah berputus asa... Putus asa dalam mujahadah untuk tinggalkan dosa......
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Buku: Surat Untuk Orang Yang Putus Asa Penulis: Adnin Roslan Terbit: 2019 Format: Kulit Nipis Halaman: 386 Pernah tak terkadang, kau rasa ujian hidup...
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SYNOPSIS & DESCRIPTION: Meet the ponies of the magical land of Equestria, and bring your favourite ponies to life through the power of Digital...
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Fear of public speaking is very commomn, with almost 1 in 4 people reporting being anxious when presenting ideas and information in front of an audience....
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SYNOPSIS  A Successful Relationship is one that recognizes the difference between men and women and is able to get beyond the he said/she said...
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SPEED READING Speed reading is any of several techniques used to improve one's ability to read quickly. Speed reading methods include chunking and...
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Sinopsis:   "Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan senang kepada kamu hingga kamu mengikuti agama mereka. Katakanlah. "sesungguhnya petunjuk...
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"Reading and naps, two of life's gretaest pleasures, go especially well together. A power of short nap ( duh ) that ends before you enter deep sleep. The...
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SINOPSIS / SARI RANSANG The role of secretary of a management committee can be key to the efficient functioning of the committee, particularly in...
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Apabila telah disabit berkaitan larangan Nabi Muhammad terhadap perlakuan "Bidaah", maka setiap umat Islam akan berwaspada dengannya.  Sikap tidak...
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Sinopsis: "Dalam puisi, Jali boleh jadi macam-macam; skema, liar, kurang ajar, berbudi, sopan, jengkel, cintan karat dan menghargai sekitarnya - dia...
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Sinopsis: Terjebak dengan dadah Radhi mula bangun dan bangkit melawan, Radhi berani membuka cerita hitamnya demi untuk menginspirasi anak muda...
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Sinopsis: Membina rumah tanggga mungkin tidak sukar, tetapi memastikan rumah tangga dan keluarga itu aman damai, bahagia dan berjalan lancar itulah...
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Buku ini menjelaskan peranan ulama daripada zaman Batu Bersurat melalui zaman penubuhan kesultanan Terengganu lebih 300 tahun yang lalu sehingga ke hari...
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Transformation without thought runs the risk of being short term or a kneejerk reaction to events. Shaping the future requires forethought, planning and...
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9 May 2018 has now etched its place in Malaysia’s history as the day that the Barisan Nasional was finally brought down after 61 years in power. For Nik...
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